HammerLog 02 – TurboThumbing it

As of right now, Shwip Turbo Thumb v1.1.1 is up for testing on both Google Play and the App Store. If you want to check out a build, fill out the following form and add yourself to the list – I’ll respond back with a link to download!

What’s new in Shwip Turbo Thumb V1.1.1

Introduced minefield mode, where you have a damaged weapon system and constantly draining energy that you need to keep in check. You can suck a bit of energy out of each mine by flying close to them, so make sure to take a few risks. The longer you survive, the better – you also have health to manage.

Endless mode got a few tweaks to the gameplay and visually. Powerups can now be attained rather than just given at any random moment. You now choose when to utilize your new shiny powerup. We also adjusted the wave types, and made the spawn areas screen size specific instead of the static numbers previously. This was added due to the sheer volume of screen sizes out there and the fact of having a galaxy s7-9 meant you could survive by just holding the ship off screen ( WHOOPS ).

Endless mode preview

Minefield Mode

See ya next week! Don’t forget to sign up for the Turbo Thumb Beta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!